Category Archives: x365

x365 #12 ~ Kristina


I have known you for about 4 years now. I first met you in my education art class where we were taught how to teach art to elementary students. You amazed me with your skills at painting and sculpting. I loved your shoes that you drew on with neon high lighter. We would eat lunch together on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Mount Royal and talk about all your boy problems. I loved that you kept trying to get me to join your Mormon choir. We became really good friends and parted ways when I moved to Lethbridge.

Then to my surprise, you ended up in Lethbridge with me! And now we are in another art class together!

I went to your Mormon church last Sunday for a group project for my Sociology of Religion class. Thanks for being so open to having my group come and answering all of our questions. Maybe someday you will come to my church!

x365 #11 ~ Auntie Donna


I loved going to your house when I was little. You always made us feel at home.

I remember that you were always on some health kick. You seemed to always be at the gym or eating healthy stuff. I remember stories about you going on a cleansing diet where you only ate strawberries and whipping cream. That made me laugh!

x365 #10 ~ Uncle Neil


You are my dad’s little brother. You two get so crazy when you are together. I love watching you and my dad get together. You always crack jokes and laugh non-stop.

I know that you have moved around a lot for jobs and I have no idea what you are doing now. I hope that you and the family are doing great. Soon you’ll finally have another guy in the immediate family!

x365 #9 ~ Emily D.


You are such a funny gal! I love that you and Patti always made those crazy home videos. I couldn’t stop laughing when you showed us your video diary that you kept up for a year. Only you would think of something like that and actually keep it up. I wish that we lived closer so that I could go to your Hawaiian parties and be able to chill with ya! Every time we’re together you always make me smile (even if that hasn’t been in years!)

x365 #8 ~ Patti D.


You are my only cousin on my dad’s side that is my age. We don’t get togethere all that often which is really too bad. It seemed that every time we were in Winnipeg or you were here that we would be awkward with eachother until the day we went our seperate ways. It wasn’t really on purpose, but we never see each other so that initiall getting to know each other again is awkward. We’d finally hit it off the day when one of us were leaving and by that time it was too late to build any kind of deeper connection.

I remember always talking about how our 2 families are the ones that seem to get along the best at family reunions (that’s probably because us cousins had the most in common). I remember the funny videos that you and Emily used to create and the skits that we’d put on together. I’m sorry I can’t be there for your wedding, but I have a thing called school to go to in October. Maybe if you’d pay for my flight I’d be there!

x365 #6 ~ Tom


You were my boss for the summer. At my interview we just sat down and talked about what I did for school. You didn’t ask me many questions that other interviewers had in the past and that made me nervous. At the end of the interview you said for me to call you if I was interested in the job. I told you I was and you didn’t even offer me the position. It wasn’t until a week later and I was looking for other places to work that you phoned me and offered me the position.

You were a good boss and you always let me leave for an afternoon if I needed to. I had to laugh when you gave me a schedule for a Chinese Festival you were hosting. I had to make up the schedule in Excel and you gave them to all the Chinese dignitaries. The next day you told me they loved what I made up but that you had to take the credit. I then had to teach you how to change the spreadsheet because you had no idea how to use the program.

x365 #5 ~ Laura


You were the accountant that I worked with this summer. From the very beginning I was scared of you. Victoria told me you were nice enough, but that you could be quite intimidating. I was quite and didn’t want to ask you any questions. Then one day we went out for lunch and you were the only one who talked to me and you changed from being scary to the one in the office that I felt comfortable around. Weird!

You are very health conscious and won’t put anything in or on your body that you don’t know the ingredients to. You would frequently come to my desk and let me know the latest news about commonly used products and how bad they were for you. You were concerned with the electric rays coming at you through the lights and your computer, so you had a glowing crystal on your desk that kept them away from you. I don’t think it works . . .

x365 #4 ~ Leon


I worked with you this summer. In the beginning you were a really quiet guy. The second week I worked there you took me out on a “field trip” to see what our survey guys did out on the field. We walked around house sites and you described the hole that houses are built in to me. I had to laugh because you thought I didn’t know a thing, when in reality I took classes about home building in high school.

x365 #3 ~ Sam B.


Hey Girl,

You and I have been friends since junior high and I love that we have kept in touch. I loved going out for dinner with you tonight and am excited that you are excited about this boy. I hope to meet him someday.

I can’t help but think back to the times in school in band class, or at band camp and who could forget the time I almost took your eye out when that exact-o knife snapped.

I love that you have such a sweet spirit and a passion for design. I know that your next 3 years of school will just fly by so fast! I pray that God will give you clear direction for future jobs and other decisions. I’m looking to our future coffee date at the house!

x365 #2 ~ Tammy C.


You are the receptionist at the land survey company where I am working this summer. At first you intimidated me because you knew so much about the job and I thought I that I would never be able to learn it all. There was so much to learn in what seemed like such little time, but that’s all just part of the learning curve.

Today was your last day before you vacation and tomorrow I officially take over your position. I know that you taught me well and I will do fine. I hope that you have a great time in BC for your vacation but please come back! The office won’t be the same without you around.